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Digital Mapping of the Serra dos Órgãos National Park

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The project consisted of planning and executing digital mapping of the Serra dos Órgãos National Park (PARNASO), the most researched in Brazil and configured as an important Conservation Unit located in the state of Rio de Janeiro, due to its environmental importance for the state.


It was found that this area has been experiencing some relatively recent problems of disorderly occupation due to urban expansion in its neighborhood, characterizing human pressure. Through the processing of digital images, more specifically the segmentation and classification stages, it was possible to monitor the process of human occupation through the production of cartographic documents, essentially maps of Earth use and vegetation cover, with the aim of assisting and promoting to the execution of activities. Digital mapping represented an important tool for integrated environmental analysis, contributing to the subsequent zoning of the study area. Thematic classes of Earth use and occupation were adopted with the purpose of allowing the classification of the digital images worked on: rocky outcrop, urban area, agriculture and vegetation.


Studies were carried out to indicate and explore the functionalities of the SPRING and DEFINIENS tools and results were compared using LANDSAT, CBERS, SPOT and IKONOS images. Finally, from the perspective of the image classification process, the project evaluated this mechanism using the Kappa index.

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